Zavieh Library

Zavieh Library

Still at its early stages of inception, Zavieh’s smal library is solely put together by donations and volunteer work. Its main goal is to collect and lend both in English and Persian, books on spirituality and other closely related topics.

Books that are held in Zavieh, unless approved by the library board, are for the use of patron’s of Zavieh. Books are given out for two weeks at a time and each borrower is allowed to renew the same book two consecutive times.


Library Catalogue Support our library


Library Hours: 7:00 P.M - 9:00 P.M
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of First three weeks of each month.



For additional information, please contact your

Support your library

Please contact your librarian to inquire about books that are of interest to Zavieh’s library.

  • You could help your librarian by donating your time.

  • You could donate to the library fund in order to purchase books.
  • You could donate books.