The list of resources below is not exhaustive and their selection does not imply that we endorse their content; we encourage all readers to alert us to new and useful resources.
Online virtual libraries almost invariably lack references to printed editions, and therefore cannot be quoted.
The following third party links and materials available for downloading are provided AS IS, as a convenience and for informational purposes only. The Zavieh Mystical Society bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.
The use of third party links, their related sites and the downloading of any materials from this site is at the user's sole risk.
This site contains the holy Koran in Arabic & multiple translations in Persian & English; complete six books of Mathnawi by Nicholson in Persian and an abridged translation of the six books of Mathnawi in English by E.H. Winfield. It also offers Rumi's collected poems, "Divan -e- Shams", in Persian; Rumi's discourses, "Fihe Ma Fihe", in English by A.J. Arbery, and a few Islamic prayer books in both Persian and English.
This site contains a free archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends, folklore, and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language. It also has all the core texts of religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on one disk for sale.
Direct link to English translations of Islamic sacred books- the Koran, Hadith and some Sufi texts by Attar, Rumi, Sana’i, Shabistari, Eflaki, Al-Ghazzali, Hafiz, Khayyam, Sa’di, and Inayat khan.
Dar-al-Masnavi.org is the activity of the American Institute of Masnavi Studies (AIMS) on the Internet. The Institute is affiliated with the International Hazrat-i Mevlânâ Foundation, in Istanbul, Turkey. This site contains selected parts of Masnavi and Divan in English with Persian transliteration of them. Some helpful links to number of sites with related topics.
- http://www.guidinglights.org
- http://www.sacred-texts.com
- http://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/#sufi
- http://www.dar-al-masnavi.org
Informative Sites
This site has all six volumes of Mathnawi with English and Turkish translation.
A Compendium of English translations and versions of Molana Jalal ud-din Rumi's works; Mathnawi, Devan-e Shams and Fihe Ma Fihe.
English translation of famous works by Aflaki, Attar, Baba Taher, Gazali, Hafiz, Umar Khayyam, Inayat Khan, Jami, Nezami, Rumi, Shabestari, Sadi and many other Persian speaking poets and writers are easily accessible through this site.
Part of a much larger site, this section provides several interesting search functions for the text of the Qur'ân.
This site contains some of Rumi’s poems in English with Persian transliteration. It also has some information on other famous Sufi masters.
This site contains selected sections of Rumi’s Mathnawi and Divan, translated by Shahriar Shahriari. Also it has a list of books on Rumi and some related links.
This site contains a book, number of essays and articles on Shams-i- Tabrizi, mostly translated /written by Nasir Shamsi. Also has some poems from the Divan translated by Reynold Nicholson and William Chittich.
Direct link to the article on Shams-i-Tabrizi written by Nasir Shamsi.
A large collection of books on Sufism & Islamic spirituality in English or German is for sale on this site.
A subsection of the Fons Vitae, this site directly links to the book “Me and Rumi”, the Autobiography of Shems-i Tabrizi, translated, and annotated by William Chittick. It contains interesting notes by Annemarie Schimmel on Shams-i-Tabrizi.
With a search engine, this site contains a number of different blogs on Sufism, Buddhism and spirituality.
- http://www.masnavi.net
- http://persian.packhum.org/persian
- Islamicity [Eng] http://persian.packhum.org/persian
- http://www.khamush.com
- http://www.rumionfire.com
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalal_ad-Din_Muhammad_Rumi
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masnavi
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shams_Tabrizi
- http://www.sufism.org
The official Threshold Society’s web-site affiliated with Mevlevi Order has essays and books on Sufism, mostly written by Kabir and Camille Helminski.
- http://www.sufism.org/books/maqalat.html
Part of the Sufism web-site, this is a direct link to the selections from the Conversations (Maqalat) of Shams of Tabriz, a translation in progress by Refik Algan & Kabir Helminski.
- http://www.shamsitabriz.net/
- http://www.shamsitabriz.net/shamsitabriz.html
- http://www.fonsvitae.com
- http://www.fonsvitae.com/meandrumichittick.html
- http://mysticsaint.blogspot.com
- http://www.supersummary.com/folklore-mythology-guide/
Persian Resources
A Persian – Persian online Dictionary that combines Dehkhoda Encyclopedic Dictionary of Persian Language and Maibodi Persian Dictionary.
A very useful site, this site offers a collection of Persian classical poetry with a search engine. It contains the entire 6 books of Rumi’s Mathnawi and the Divan. Works of Attar, Hafiz, Sana’i and most of the other famous classical Persian poets can be found on this site.
Persian to English and English to Persian online dictionary.
A large collection of Persian poetry with search capability.